Welcome to
The Foursquare

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We’re ready
to help!

Foursquare is comprised of a dynamic group of leaders serving together, growing together and using the gifts God has given them in myriad ways. Has God given you a passion or focus? Then, we have a place for you!

Are you a Foursquare leader? Find what you need!

Whether you are serving in a local church or in a unique location around the world, the Foursquare One Team, including your local district office, is here to help with everything from credentialing to retirement.

What’s going on
in Foursquare?

You are cordially invited to attend the Foursquare Forum, Foursquare Connection + Foursquare Leader Conferences. And that’s not all. Find upcoming events in your area.

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Upcoming Events

Listen to or watch the first two full seasons now.

Follow Your

Whether you are ready to become a licensed
minister or plant a church with Foursquare,
we’re ready to help you make the next steps.

Foursquare goes beyond the
walls of the church

The latest from Foursquare