Foursquare Cabinet
Meet your Foursquare cabinet members
The Foursquare cabinet comprises the board of directors, district supervisors and ministerial representatives who are selected from the various voting regions throughout the United States. The Foursquare cabinet meets at least annually and may meet additional times at the request of the board, to receive reports, give counsel concerning the overall ministry of The Foursquare Church, and to act as a nominating committee in the selection of a president.
The following individuals comprise the Foursquare Cabinet.
- Brandon Ahu
- Rohan Anderson*
- Will Barrow*
- Eduardo Bogea
- Glenn Burris
- Zack Burris
- Jennifer Canaya-Michel*
- Heidi Chambers
- Ryan Coffey
- Chanda Crutcher
- Cynthia Cruz**
- Adam Davidson
- Sarah Eads
- Angel Esquivel*
- John Fehlen
- Fidel Fernandez*
- Juniece Fillingham
- Portia Flores
- Tiffa Garza**
- Alexis Glaze
- Bryan Hernandez**
- Evelyn Hernandez
- Gabby Jenkins**
- Keith Jenkins
- Scott Jenkins
- Jarrod Kula
- Sheldon Lacsina
- Karl Leuthauser
- Whitney Lewellyn*
- Jenn Lord
- Lisa Machen
- Chris Manginelli
- Albert Martinez
- Jon McIntosh
- Michael McReynolds*
- Heidi Messner
- Steve Mickel
- Heather Moore
- Andrew Nakamura
- Wendy Nolasco
- Frank Nuño
- Ryan Oddo
- Elijah Pierick
- Regan Pickrel**
- Nate Poetzl
- Michael Remedios
- Randy Remington
- Angie Richey
- Daniel Ruarte
- Martin Ruarte
- Jessica Schulze
- Melinda Scott
- Brenda Shafer*
- Antonio Sims
- Alaric Singletary
- Mark Slomka
- Arthur Snow*
- Mark Stinton
- Brenda Truett
- Kevin Twombly
- Ted Vail
- Dave Veach
- Mark Warren
- Elesha West**
- Jared Yamaguchi*
- Jeff Young
- Mario Zambrano*
- Joan Zwerling*
* Pastoral Representative
** Younger Representative
*** Some names withheld for security reasons
Learn more about how the cabinet is involved with the bylaw adoption process.
Executive Council
The executive council comprises the Foursquare board and cabinet as well as District Supervisors, Area Pastors and Regional Pastors. The council convenes at least once a year to approve the business to be presented to the annual Foursquare convention, which takes place immediately following Memorial Day each year.
Foursquare Business
Interested in learning how business matters are executed within Foursquare? Visit our business page to view amendents, download the most recent copy of the Foursquare bylaws or view the cabinet meeting report.