Foursquare Missions Press (FMP) brings joy to the world through resourcing, providing Bibles and gospel resources free of charge to Foursquare missions workers and national leaders around the world, as well as to many other missions organizations and leaders.
How We Bring Joy
Foursquare Disaster Relief (FDR) brings joy to the world through relief by training, resourcing and funding local Foursquare churches and leaders to respond to disaster in their own communities. Whether war, famine, natural disaster or humanitarian crisis, FDR Responders care for both the tangible and spiritual needs when people find themselves in their darkest moments.
How We Bring Joy
Foursquare Missions International (FMI) brings joy to the world through relationships. FMI’s goal is that every person in the world knows Jesus Christ. Missions workers around the world operate through vast networks of relationships: bringing the gospel to individuals and communities where churches are formed, disciples are made—until the whole world hears!
How We Bring Joy
Pastors, to help you get your congregation connected to what God is doing around the world, we’ve provided the action kit below. The action kit includes: a pdf version of the catalog, a downloadable video, slides, bulletin insert + social media assets.